Chloe Luca
Items such as pizza boxes and used tissues contaminate entire bins of recycling.
In a world where global warming raises concerns, many have started recycling to help alleviate the crisis. While it can be tempting to throw all of the plastic we use into the recycling bin, throwing them in the trash may be more effective.
According to National Geographic, in 2021, only 6 percent of plastic put in the recycling bin was actually recycled. The reason for this is contamination, where something unrecyclable is put in a recycling bin. The Brevard County website explains that if the recycling facilities find just one contaminated item, whether it be a dirty tissue or a greasy pizza box, the entire bin is deemed unrecyclable by law.
Some contaminants include plastic bags, batteries, and food. Things are deemed unrecyclable if they are unsanitary or if they break the recycling machines. It can be difficult to identify which items are contaminants. For example, a clean aluminum can could be recyclable, but if flattened, it is no longer recyclable because it can break the machines.
At Holy Trinity, the facilities crew manages sifting through the recycling bins and searching for contaminants. If the load is clear, they put the contents in the large recycling bin provided by Waste Management who comes and picks the recycling up weekly.
Most of our classrooms have recycling bins, and the environmental club plans to reduce contamination on campus. “The main contaminant I see in recycling bins at Holy Trinity is food waste,” environmental club president Brooke Ramnath said. To combat this, Ramnath suggests that we use the recycling bins at school exclusively for paper, reducing the opportunity for contaminants, like food waste, to get into the bins. “Food waste builds up and it has become an issue seeping into our waters and destroying animals’ habitats,” Ramnath said.
Making sure that you don’t contaminate your recycling loads is not always easy. It takes attention and effort. When unsure whether or not something is recyclable, there are many resources online to inform you. Brevard’s website (brevardfl.gov) has information to help you properly recycle. When done right, recycling plays an important role in keeping our planet clean and safe.