The new year is widely seen as a universal time to reset, reform, and resolve. Many make extensive lists of intentions and goals to strive toward in the 12 months ahead. Whether physical, mental, or spiritual, self-improvement is central during this time. However, as January ends, significant numbers of people have compromised or even given up on these New Year’s resolutions.
Self-improvement businesses, like gyms, capitalize on people’s start-of-the-year motivation. According to Bloomberg Second Measure, Planet Fitness sees a 79 percent increase in membership sign-ups compared to an average month. With a number of these memberships going unused, and many more failures to meet the often unrealistic resolutions made during the new year, many question whether or not making resolutions is productive.
English teacher Sommer McDonald’s AP English Language and Composition class debated this topic in an assignment at the start of the semester. After reading Grant Keizer’s essay in the New York Times titled, “One Resolution You Might Just Keep,” students analyzed the life of diarist Samuel Johnson discussed in the essay. Living in a cycle of constant resolution and failure to meet his goals, Samuel Johnson’s story parallels the cycle of the new year. However, his reflections written in his journals earned him much recognition as a writer.
“Johnson’s determination to resolve in spite of his failures is undoubtedly an explanation for all he managed to achieve. His was the familiar case of two steps forward and one step back, a halting progress, to be sure, but progress nonetheless.”
The students were promoted to argue their position on New Year’s resolutions, specifically whether “resolving to resolve” is enough. Many students disagree, holding various opinions on the matter. “I don’t think resolving to resolve is enough because wanting to improve is different from actually trying to improve,” junior Matthew Jeong said. “Making resolutions and refusing to follow through with them is a sign of lack of discipline and can lead to a negative self-perception,” junior Ava Connors said.
Others disagreed, believing resolving to resolve is enough. “Resolving to resolve is enough because ceaseless determination and resilience following failure surpasses the completion of the resolution alone,” junior Isabella Tichy stated. “I believe resolving to resolve is enough because trying to do something is better than nothing and it shows the person’s willingness to change,” junior Delaney Schmoll stated.